DNP Student and Alumni Publications
Badowski, D., Rossler, K., Reiland, N., & Gill Gembala, L. 2021. Integration of Motivational interviewing within prelicensure nursing programs: a national survey. Nurse Educ. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001127.
Badowski, D., Rossler, K. & Reiland, N. 2021. Exploring Student Perceptions of Virtual Simulation Versus Traditional Clinical and Manikin-based Simulation, Journal of Professional Nursing, 37 (4), 683-689.
Reiland, N., Fitzgerald, K., & Maragos, M. 2019. Exploring interventions to increase primary care providers use of patient self-management goals. Patient Experience Journal, 6 (1). Available at:
Reiland, N. 2018. Health promotion, disease prevention and health education. In Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification, (pp. 17-32), New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Dubovich, Teresa. 2020. Domestic abuse prevention for Ninth Graders. Health Behavior Policy Review, 7(1): 69-78. DOI:
Aufderheide, S., Dus, J., Fitzgerald, K., & Bober, M. 2020. Case Management Matters: Improving Interdisciplinary Communication Using a Group Work Program Software Application. Professional Case Management. 25, 1, 48-52.
Scheffel, K., Amidei, C., & Fitzgerald, K. 2019. Motivational Interviewing: Improving Confidence with Self-Care Management in Postoperative Thoracolumbar Spine Patients. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 51, 3, 113-118.
Dudzik, L., Heard, D.G., Griffin, R.E., Vercellino, M., Hunt, A., Cates, A., Rebholz, M. 2019. Implementation of a Low-Dose, High-Frequency Cardiac Resuscitation Quality Improvement Program in a Community Hospital. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 45:789–797.
Gedzyk Nieman, S. & Svoboda, G. 2019. Exploring attitudes of acceptance of males in nursing among registered nurses. Journal of Nurse Management. 27(3):647-654. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12723
Kornacker, D., Fitzgerald, K., Elder, S. 2019. A Patient Portal Push towards Utilization of the Technology. Patient Experience Journal. 6, 2, 20-27. DOI: 10.35680/2372-0247.1327
Jefferson, N. & Fitzgerald, K. 2020. Antibiotic Stewardship for Treatment of Acute Bronchitis in Retail Health. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 16, 8, 608-611. DOI: