
Liturgical Ministry


  • Warm, friendly greeters to welcome people to Sunday evening liturgy
  • Hand out songbooks with order of service before liturgy begins
  • Collect songbooks and wish people well after liturgy


  • Know and proclaim God's Word to the community


  • Present the Eucharist to the members of the community


  • Bring treats and help set up a hospitality table after mass on Sunday night

Questions? Contact: Fr. Paul Novak

Rite of Christian initiation of Adults (rcia)

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Have you ever considered....
Becoming Catholic?
Learning what it means to be Catholic?
What do I need to do if I am interested in the Catholic Church?

Maybe you were baptized in another faith tradition. Or you were baptized Catholic and never received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults come into full communion with the Catholic Church. This is a time of discovery and learning more about the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church.

Questions? Contact: Fr. Paul Novak

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